If a pest problem should continue within the guarantee period, upon your request, we will return to your property and provide additional service at no extra charge. We do request a reasonable waiting period following the completion of each service visit to allow for results. This guarantee is good only within the guarantee period and only in the area(s) and for the pest(s) included. This guarantee is further limited to no more than (3) return visits or (3) hours of additional service time, whichever comes first. When treating for pests that cause damage, we do not, in any way, guarantee to replace or repair any such items that have been damaged by the pest either before, during, or after services are rendered, or as a result of treatment, even if pest activity continues after services are rendered. Due to the nature and behavior of many pests 100% pest elimination is rarely possible. Further services may be necessary for continued prevention of a pest problem beyond the guarantee period. Services requested after the guarantee period expires will incur an additional charge. For maintenance program services, this service guarantee is limited to (3) return visits or (3) additional hours of service time, whichever comes first, during each agreement period, renewing with each subsequent agreement. The guarantee period begins the day the initial service is completed. This is not a money back guarantee.

Conditions, Terms, and Limitations
Perimetek Pest Management will be held harmless of any damage, liability or fines not limited to products, equipment, property or building structure where any pests are found to be the cause, including the pest(s) for which this service is rendered whether before, during or after this service. We also will remain harmless for any mishaps that occur to animals or people where pest(s) – including the pest(s) this service is intended for – are found to be the cause. All invoices are due and payable in full at time of service. Invoices over 30 days are considered past due. A 1.5% monthly (18% annual) finance charge (minimum $1.00) will be added to past due invoices. All returned checks will be subject to a $20 fee. Collection and/or attorney’s fees required to collect on past-due invoices will be added to the account. Perimetek Pest Management has the option not to honor any applied service guarantee if any invoice is past due.