Bed Bugs

Bed Bugs are one of the most talked about pests in recent years. While they are not known to transmit disease like other parasitic blood feeders, the fear and anxiety they cause is more than enough to put them near the top of most people’s list of most hated arthropods. If you suspect you may have Bed Bugs, a thorough inspection and confirmation is the first step towards recovery. Your Perimetek Pest Management Service Professional is just a phone call (or email) away. Our highly trained and experienced staff can help to quickly determine if you have been visited by these nocturnal pests.
Service Options
Bed Bug Remediation: Quickly and safely control Bed Bugs. This three-part service will eliminate Bed Bugs from your home and guarantee the results. Our helpful and friendly staff provides support and information so you know what you need to do, and what to expect throughout the entire process. You’re not alone, we’re here to help.
Bed Bug Prevention: A true Bed Bug preventative program that guarantees to stop the development of new Bed Bug populations within your home! This quarterly treatment program is safe and effective. This is the same program we employ at Hotels, Nursing Homes, Dormitories, offices, and Hospitals to stop Bed Bugs in their tracks, guaranteed.